Delete File Dialog

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File Menu > Delete File Dialog

Displayed is a dialog that allows you to specify a file or files to be deleted from your computer system's disk.


Select the file or files you wish to delete from the list, and click the ‘OK’ button.

If you do not wish to delete any files, click the ‘Cancel’ button.


You can delete two or more files at once by selecting those files from the list.  If you hold the Ctrl key down while you click in the scrolling list of files, you can selectively mark files.  You can also 'unmark' them by clicking on them when they are already marked.  If you hold the Shift key down when you click, all files between the last marked file and where you clicked are marked.  When you click on OK, all marked files are deleted.


By default, the list of files is made up from those matching the 'wild-card' of *.TRX in the current subdirectory.  You can narrow down your search by typing in another wild-card mask and clicking on 'OK'.  For example, if you type
into the File Name field, and click on 'OK', only those files that start with 'M" and end with '.TR' will be displayed

See also:

Deleting a File

Renaming a file


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20/04/2014 5:52:26 PM
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