Mean Kinetic Temperature (MKT)

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View Menu > Statistics View > Mean Kinetic Temperature (MKT)

Mean Kinetic Temperature (MKT) is a way of expressing the overall effect of temperature fluctuations during storage or transit of perishable goods with a single temperature value, the Mean Kinetic Temperature.


MKT is a calculated, single temperature that is better represents the effects of temperature variations over a period of time than a simple averaging of the temperatures.


Temprecord calculates the MKT value for the samples between the start and end samples and displays the value on the graph view and Statistics view.


Technically speaking, MKT is an expression of cumulative thermal stress experienced by a product at varying temperatures during storage and distribution. In other words, MKT is a calculated, single temperature that is analogous to the effects of temperature variations over a period of time.

MKT is not a simple weighted average. The calculation of MKT gives the higher temperatures a greater weight when computing the average than would a simple numerical average or an arithmetic mean. This weighting is determined by a geometric transformation--the natural logarithm of the absolute temperature.


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22/06/2011 10:20:02 AM
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