Rate of Cooling

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View Menu > Statistics View > Rate of Cooling

Rate of cooling statistics are a measure of the rate at which an environment or product cools after reaching a peak value.  Temprecord always calculates these statistics between the start (F7) and end (F8) marker samples, in the following way:


The temperature record between the start and end samples is scanned for the maximum value.

The interval between the maximum sample and the Zone 1 End temperature is called ‘Zone 1’ and is treated as the first rate of cooling interval.

The interval between the point at which the Zone 1 End temperature is reached, and the point at which the Zone 2 End temperature is reached is called ‘Zone 2’ and is treated as the second rate of cooling interval, and so on.

The statistics (duration, rate of cooling in degrees per hour) are calculated for each interval.

The statistics for these intervals are calculated until the end of the measurement period, which is until the number of zones specified has been reached, until 5 zones have been done, or until the end (F8) sample is reached.


Temprecord also prints and displays two total durations after the rate of cooling values.  The first total is the time taken from the maximum temperature till the end of the measurement period.  The second total is the time taken from the end of zone 1 (i.e. from flag 2) until the end of the measurement period - i.e. it does not include zone 1


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20/04/2014 5:50:48 PM
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