Set as End Sample

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View Menu > Graph View > Set as Start, End Markers > Set as End Sample

Use the View/Set as End Sample function to make the end sample the same as the current sample cursor sample.


The end sample is used in conjunction with the start sample to define an area of the sample record to be used for calculation of statistical data such as the mean, maximum and minimum.


You can also set the end sample to the current sample cursor position with the F8 key.


A quick way of defining a region on the graph with the mouse is:

Click on the graph where you want the start sample to be.

With the Shift key held down click on the graph where you would like the end sample to be.

The end sample is marked on the graph with the flag symbol


See also:

Using the start and end markers


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20/04/2014 5:50:18 PM
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