Setting the date and time format on graph view

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View Menu > Graph View > Setting the date and time format on graph view

When displaying the date on the horizontal axis of graph view, Temprecord uses the short date settings from the computer's regional settings.


If your computer is running Windows 7 you may experience some problems getting the date to display in the desired format.  This is because Windows 7 does not correctly update this format in the regional settings under some circumstances.


If you find that the date format displayed in graph view does not match your regional settings, the following procedure should remedy the situation:


Open your computer's Regional Settings by clicking on Start/Settings/Control Panel/Regional and Language Options

On the first tab, make sure that the drop-down shows your country/language (e.g. "English (United States)").

Click on the Customize button

Select the Date tab

Enter your desired date format for the graph view into the Short Date Format field.

Click on OK

Click on Apply

(This step is required for Windows 7 users only). Select a different country/language to your locale (e.g. German (Germany)).

(This step is required for Windows 7 users only). Click on Apply

(This step is required for Windows 7 users only). Select your correct country again.

Click on OK

Start Temprecord.  The date should be shown in the correct format for your locale.



When displaying the time on the horizontal axis of graph view, Temprecord uses the time format settings from the computer's regional settings, but will only display the seconds part of a time if they are significant.


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22/06/2011 10:15:36 AM
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