View Info

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View Menu > Graph View > View Info

If this menu entry is checked, the right-hand side of the Temprecord Window is used to display extra information about the operation of Temprecord.


Email Queue

This tab indicates the state of the email queue..  When files are sent by SMTP, they are placed in a queue and sent from the queue in the background, allowing you to continue working while the emails and their attached files are sent.  The queue contents are saved when you exit Temprecord, and sending of the queued items resumes when Temprecord is next started.


Once an email has been sent, it remains in the queue until it is past a certain age, after which time it is removed.


Event Log

Temprecord records significant events and writes them to an event log.  Such events as starting and exiting Temprecord, sending email attachments etc. are logged.


Startup Log

As Temprecord starts up, information is written to the startup log recording the steps carried out.  It can be useful to examine the startup log when troubleshooting Temprecord operation.


The startup log is a text file (Startup Log.txt) and is normally written to the Windows temporary files folder.


You can quickly toggle the display of the extra information tabs with the Ctrl-I key.

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22/05/2012 10:20:52 AM
Temprecord Web Help