Designated Use Loggers

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Program Menu > Designated Use Loggers

Temprecord provides special manufacture runs of their loggers to suit particular customers. These loggers, called designated use loggers are programmed with a particular named parameter set, and that parameter set is tied to the owner and case color of that logger.


Temprecord will issue a warning if any attempt to is made to alter the parameters in a designated use logger.  The user can agree to this warning and alter the parameters, but the Temprecord program "knows" that this logger was a designated use logger and has had its parameters changed.  The logger then becomes available for general use.


A general use logger can be reverted again to a designated use logger by using the factory restore function.  The factory restore function is carried out from the parameters dialog, but the button to initiate this is only visible if the logger was originally manufactured as a designated use logger.


See also:

Factory restore operation

Named parameter Sets

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2/02/2018 11:22:34 AM
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