File Saving Options - Digests

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Temprecord stores an extra piece of information with every TRX data file called a digest.  A digest is effectively a number that is determined by looking at the logged samples and other data in the file and performing a calculation on that data.  The result of this calculation is called a digest.  The digest is designed so that:


no two files will ever1 produce the same digest unless they are identical.

changing even one data value only by the tiniest of amounts will result in the digest changing to a completely different value.

there are a nearly infinite2 number of digests.

unless you know the digest key, you can't3 "fake" a digest.


1. when we say "ever", we mean that it is extremely unlikely - to be precise, the chance of two different data sets generating the same digest value is one in 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456.

2. when we say "nearly infinite", we mean a very large number (see 1. above)

3. when we say "can't fake" a digest, we mean that this strategy is unlikely to succeed, because the last step ("hand-tuning" the data set) will likely need to be performed a large number (yep, that big number again) of times to get the correct result.


take delivery of a datafile.

note what the digest of the file is.

"tamper" with the file, e.g. use a text editor to alter potentially embarrassing or damaging values.

"hand-tune" the data set so that when TRW calculates the digest of the data set it produces a digest that is the same as it was when you received it.


  IMPORTANT! Do not forget your digest key!  


If you have chosen to use your own digest key for TRX files, only users who also know this digest key will be able to verify the authenticity of the file.


Not knowing the digest key for a file does not prevent you reading or printing the file - it just prevents you from determining if the file is undamaged and untampered with.  


If you lose or forget the key, there is no way to recover it other than a lucky guess. Temprecord are unable to recover lost keys.


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6/03/2019 10:12:56 AM
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