Displaying the same file in 2 or more windows

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View Menu > Graph View > Displaying the same file in 2 or more windows

It is sometimes useful to see the data from a file displayed as both a graph, and as a list of values, or to see the statistical data along with the graph.  You can switch from one view mode to another within a window, but this does not allow you to see the two display modes at the same time.


To see a data file displayed twice, you simply open the same file again.  You then have two windows with the same data file loaded and you can change the view mode of either of them to whichever view mode you require.  There is no limit to the number of data files you can have open (other than the amount of memory your computer has available).


When Temprecord opens another data window, it will normally be opened over the top of any existing windows.  To have Temprecord arrange the windows so that they do not overlap, use the View/Tile Vertically or View/Tile Horizontallyfunctions.  To have Temprecord arrange all of the open windows as a cascade of overlapping windows, use the View/Cascade function.


See also:

Tile Vertically

Tile Horizontally


Zoom Functions

Using the Zoom Presets

Displaying data read from a logger in 2 or more windows


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20/04/2014 5:50:36 PM
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