Viewing Temperature, Humidity, or Both - the Display Mode

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View Menu > Graph View > Viewing Temperature, Humidity, or Both

If the logger or file contains samples from more than one channel (i.e. temperature and humidity channels, or two temperature channels) you can choose to display either channel by itself, or both channels in the statistics view, values view, or graph view modes.  This is called the display mode.


To set the display mode, use the View/Temperature, View/Humidity, View/Temperature and Humidity, View/Temperature 2, View/Temperature and Temperature 2 menu functions.  Alternatively, you can right-click in the window and select these functions from the pop-up menu.  Options that are not available to you are grayed out.  For example, you can't select View/Humidity if the logger isn't a humidity logger, or if the logger is set up to log temperature only.


You can't select a display mode that doesn't apply to the currently loaded logger data.  For example, if the logger data is from a logger which was configured to log only humidity, the menu entries for Temperature and Temperature and Humidity will be disabled.


You can cycle through the display modes quickly by using the "+" key on the numeric keypad, if your computer has one.  For example, if you are viewing a graph from a logger that has both temperature and humidity data, pressing the "+" key will cycle the display mode through the display modes in the order [Temperature], [Humidity], [Temperature and Humidity], [Temperature], [Humidity], etc.


When humidity values are displayed on the graph, the Y axis in use for temperature is also used for humidity.  This means that a humidity value of 50%RH is shown at the same vertical position on the graph as a temperature value of 50°C if the display units are set to Celsius, and is shown at the same vertical position on the graph as a temperature value of 50°F if the display units are set to Fahrenheit.


This means that the vertical position of the humidity trace will change according to the setting of the display units.

The display mode setting also determines the following aspects of Temprecord display and reporting:


If a logger contains humidity data (i.e. the logger was recording humidity, or temperature plus humidity), the humidity trace, humidity values and humidity statistics will only display and print if the display mode is Humidity or Temperature and Humidity.


If a humidity logger contains both temperature and humidity data (i.e. the logger was recording temperature plus humidity), the temperature trace, temperature values, temperature statistics, and also the derived temperature statistics such as TTV (Total Temperature Value), PHI (Process Hygiene Index), Rate of Cooling, Product Cooling Alert, Refrigeration Index, MKT (Mean Kinetic Index), and Product Integrity Profile will only display and print if the display mode is Temperature or Temperature and Humidity..

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18/07/2018 12:25:18 PM
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