Managing Named Parameter Sets

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Options Menu > Managing Named Parameter Sets

Use the Options/Defaultss tab to manage your named parameter sets.  Named Parameter Sets (NPS's) are collections of logger settings that are stored in files on your computer and can be referenced by name (the name of the file).


The fields in this page and their layout are the same as those in the Program/Parameters form, apart from the password fields.  You cannot specify a password in your default parameters, and passwords are not stored in a NPS file.


All of the NPS-related functions possible in the Options/Defaults tab are also possible from the parameters dialog that is displayed when the settings are read from a logger.  The difference is:


you don't need to have a logger in order to manage your NPS's.

it is not possible to directly save these settings to a logger.


Once you have set up your defaults, you can load them into the Program/Parameters form by clicking on the Defaults button.


The start delay default value specified here is also used whenever a logger is reused.  If you enter a value of (say) 00:02:00 in the default start delay field, the logger start delay will be set to 2 minutes when the logger is reused.  You can still change it before starting the logger.


See the topic Programming a Logger's Parameters for more information about the fields on this options page.


See also:

Where have the defaults gone?

What about the Default Parameters?

Programming a Logger's Parameters

Mon-T Parameter Defaults

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