Sample Rate Issues

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Program Menu > Sample Rate Issues

The sample rate determines how often the Temprecord logger measures and stores the temperature.


With Temprecord, this is specified by the sample period, which is the time that elapses between samples.  Bear in mind that while a longer sample period will increase the length of time the logger will run before the memory is filled, you should consider the effects of undersampling.  This situation arises when the samples are too infrequent to pick up changes in the temperature.  As an example, if the sample period is set to 1 hour, you cannot guarantee to pick up instances where the temperature exceeds a maximum value for a period of only ten minutes.  


This discussion also applies to humidity, if humidity is being logged instead of temperature, or if both are being logged

See also:

Sample period

Accuracy and resolution

Differences between the displayed temperature and the logged temperature


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20/04/2014 5:51:10 PM
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