Summary View

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View Menu > Summary View

The temperature data in a Temprecord data window can be displayed in one of four view modes.  These are summary view, statistics view, values view and graph view.  The summary view displays the user data, logger serial number, sample period, etc.  You do not need to read the logged temperature data to see the summary view of the logger.  Using the File/Query Logger function reads the summary data and changes the view mode of the window to summary view.


You can select the summary view mode by opening the View menu and clicking on 'Summary'.


The time that is annotated First Sample in the summary display is the time of the first sample in the logger.  If the logger is not overwriting, this corresponds to the time the logger took the first sample after it was started, but if the logger is overwriting, it corresponds to the time of the earliest sample that is recoverable from the logger. Every time the logger takes another temperature sample and stores it, the oldest sample is overwritten and lost, and the time of the first sample will advance by one sample period.


The number of samples in the logger in the summary display is an estimated value.  If user markers are also present in the sample record, these occupy sample places also, and will inflate the number of samples displayed in the summary screen.  For example, if the logger has taken 1000 samples, and the user has also inserted 12 markers while the samples were being taken, the samples logged will show as 1012.  If the logger data has been read, then Temprecord will know the number of markers taken, and so will display the correct number of samples.

You can also change the view mode from the pop-up menu that displays when you press the right-hand mouse button.


See also:

Changing the view mode

Statistics view

Values view

Graph view


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19/02/2018 11:29:56 AM
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