This version of Temprecord is not installed on this computer, or possibly an older version is also installed

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Error and Warning Messages > This version of Temprecord is not installed on this computer, or possibly an older version is also installed

The version of Temprecord you are running now has not been properly installed.  No installation type identification was found on this computer.  This can mean that Temprecord is not installed, or possibly an earlier version is installed.


You should only  have one version of Temprecord installed at once.  You should uninstall the version you do not require, and install or reinstall this version.


See also:

An unrecognised version of Temprecord is installed on this machine

Temprecord is running from a network drive and an INI file from an earlier installation was also found

Temprecord is running from a network drive and no INI file was found on that server, or locally

Temprecord is running from a network drive and a local installation was also found

Temprecord is running from a network drive and an unrecognised local installation was also found

You are running Temprecord from a network drive but it is also installed locally for the current user

You are running Temprecord from a network drive but it is also installed locally for all users

You are running Temprecord from a network drive but it is also installed locally for all users (shared settings)

You are running Temprecord from a network drive but it is also installed locally for use by remote users

You are running Temprecord from a network drive but there is also an unrecognised local installation


Error and Warning Messages


(C) 1992-2019 Temprecord International Ltd
18/06/2011 5:42:56 PM
Temprecord Web Help