Zooming with the Mouse

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View Menu > Graph View > Zoom Functions > Zooming with the Mouse

You can zoom about arbitrary areas of the trace by using the mouse.  To do this:


Position the mouse cursor at the top-left corner of the area you wish to zoom about.

Press the Ctrl key and hold it down

Press the left-hand mouse button and hold it down.

Drag the mouse cursor to the bottom right corner of the area you wish to zoom about and release it.


The window will be zoomed so that the top-left corner of the data window is set to where you started dragging from, and the bottom-right corner where you stopped dragging from (released the mouse button).


You can extend the zoom about area past the window edges.  If you try to drag the mouse past the window edge while zooming, the zoom area will continue to extend to the mouse position outside the window border.


The mouse zoom action is only carried out if the area marked is greater than a certain size.  If you decide to abandon the mouse zoom operation after you have started dragging, make the zoom rectangle as small as possible before you release the mouse button and no zooming will occur.


If you have data displayed in several windows from different loggers, the Zoom Window to Presets function is a useful way of displaying and printing the graphs for comparison purposes.  See the topic Using the Zoom Presets for more information


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