Zoom Window to Presets

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View Menu > Graph View > Zoom Functions > Zoom Window to Presets

Use the View/Zoom/Zoom Window to Presets function to set the horizontal and vertical graph axes for the current Temprecord data window to the time and temperature span specified in the Graph View Options settings.


When this function is used, the displayed graph will be scaled so that the temperature at the top and bottom of the graph will be those specified in the Preset Zoom Y fields of the graph view options.  The span of the date and time across the displayed graph will be set to the dates and times specified in the Preset Zoom X fields of the graph view options.


This function is very useful when you read the data from two or more loggers and wish to align them so that the same temperature and time range is displayed for each.  Provided the 'Visible Window' printing option is selected, the printed graphs will also be similarly aligned in time and temperature.


This function has no effect unless a data file is loaded or data has been read from the logger.


You can also zoom to the presets by clicking on this speed button on the toolbar displayed along the top of the Temprecord main window.


The preset zoom function will not work unless the corresponding  enables are checked in the Graph View Options page.  There are two enables, one for each of the X (time) and Y (temperature) axes.  If only the X zoom preset is enabled, using the zoom to presets function causes the X axis span to be reset, but not the Y axis.  If only the Y zoom preset is enabled, using the zoom to presets function causes the Y axis span to be reset, but not the X axis.


See the topic Using the Zoom Presets for more information.



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17/04/2014 10:01:14 AM
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