Error sending email

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Error and Warning Messages > Error sending email

The following errors can result when you try to send files by SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol).


No email recipients specified'

You must enter a list of valid email addresses in the "To:" field on the Email Options tab.


No files to attach

Temprecord was unable to find the files specified.


SMTP options not set

Before you can send emails via SMTP, certain options need to be set.  Click on Options/SMTP Email and specify at least the SMTP server name.  Normally this will be a string of the form or  You may need to refer to your IT administrator for this information.


Unable to queue mail for sending'

Temprecord was unable to queue the email for sending.


Unable to send mail (error xxx')

If you receive an error of this for wham using MAPI to send emails, the error explanation ("xxx") will indicate the error response returned from the MAPI interface. You may need to refer to your IT administrator for guidance on fixing these errors.


See also:

Error and Warning Messages

SMTP Email Options

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18/06/2011 4:49:28 PM
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