File Saving Options - Web Files

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Options Menu > File Saving Options > File Saving Options - Web Files

These options determine the names automatically generated for files and folders when Temprecord data files and PDF report files are stored on Temprecord's World-Wide Web servers.


In order to use this facility, you need to have a web account set up with Temprecord.  Contact us for more information.


The file saving options for web files work in much the same way as they do for files that you save on your computer ("local" files).  See the topics Using the File and Folder Templates and When are default filename and folders used? for more information.


There is no practical limit to the length of file and folder names, the number of folders, or the depth to which they can be nested.


Your Temprecord Web storage facility provides you with a single folder.  All data files and folders you save will be relative to the "root" of this folder.  If any folder you specify with these options does not exist it will be created at the time the file is saved.


Folders cannot be created manually, and any filenames created will always take on the name of the corresponding file the web file was derived from.  If the dataset was read from a logger, the filename used is determined by the web filenames format string.


See also:

Saving files to the Web

Loading files from the Web

File Saving Options

File Saving Options - Encryption

File Saving Options - Saved file format

File Saving Options - Date formatting


Using the File and Folder Templates

When are default filename and folders used?


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21/12/2016 9:44:50 AM
Temprecord Web Help