File Saving Options - Date Formatting

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Options Menu > File Saving Options > File Saving Options - Date Formatting

When Temprecord is saving a data file or a PDF report file and automatically generates a filename or a folder name, a date and/or time can be specified.


This option determines whether the date and time used to format a file and folder name is:


the current date and time (i.e. "now")

the date and time of the earliest sample in the logger.

the date and time of the most recent sample in the logger.


In addition to this, you can determine whether the time used is in the local timezone of your location (provided it has been set correctly on your computer), or in UTC (Greenwich Mean Time).


See also:

File Saving Options

File Saving Options - Web Files

File Saving Options - Saved file format

File Saving Options - Encryption


Using the File and Folder Templates

When are default filename and folders used?


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27/06/2013 9:27:38 AM
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