Saving a File

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File Menu > Saving a File

Use the File/Save File function to save the contents of the currently selected window to a disk file.  The data can be that loaded previously from another file or from a logger.


If the data in the currently selected window is from a logger, Temprecord will suggest a filename based on the serial number of the logger.  You can type in a new name here if you wish.


If the data in the currently selected window is from a file, Temprecord will suggest the same filename be used to save the data.  You can type in a new name here if you wish.  If you leave the name, or use the name of an existing file, you will be prompted whether you wish to overwrite that file.


Unless you explicitly specify it, the file type of Temprecord data files is always set to ‘.TRX’.  You can change this if you wish, but it is not recommended, as other Temprecord functions assume the use of this filetype.


Previous versions of the Temprecord program saved data files with a filetype of ".TR".  The Temprecord data file format has undergone significant changes, and the new format files have a filetype ".TRX".  The Temprecord program can still read .TR files still, but can no longer save files in this format.


If you have existing .TR files you can still read them, but if you want to use some of the extended features of the new TRX file format, such as embedded comments, you will need to read the TR file, and save it again as a TRX file first.


Temprecord can save TRX files in a number of formats, depending on whether you wish to make the data within the files accessible for other applications to read.  See the Saved File Format options for more information

The File/Save File and File/Save as... functions create files in Temprecord format.  You cannot view these files with a word processor or Notepad/Wordpad.  To save the temperature data in text form, or in a form suitable for importing into a spreadsheet, use the File/Export function


You must have read the temperature data from the logger before you can save it to disk.  If you have only read the summary data by using the File/Query Logger function, you will not be able to save the temperature values to disk until you also read the logged temperature data using the File/Read Logger function.


You can save the data in the current window by clicking on this speed button on the toolbar displayed along the top of the Temprecord main window, or from the pop-up menu that displays when you press the right-hand mouse button.


See also:

Questions about Save File and Save File As...

Save File dialog


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20/04/2014 5:52:34 PM
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