Toolbars and Speed Buttons

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Introduction > Toolbars and Speed Buttons

Many of the common operations you will need to perform with Temprecord can be accessed by the row of buttons (called 'speed buttons') along the top of the Temprecord window.  These buttons are arranged as four groups.  Each group of buttons is on its own toolbar.  These toolbars can be repositioned and "docked" in any of the top, left, bottom, or right edges of the Temprecord main window.  They can also be "undocked", that is, dragged outside the Temprecord main window and floated above the desktop in any position.  



The main menu is also on it's own toolbar and can be moved or undocked.


To dock a toolbar again, just drag it over any of the 4 edges of the Temprecord main window.


When you click on the close button of a toolbar, it will disappear.  It will remain invisible even after you exit and start Temprecord again.  To make the toolbar visible again, click on View in the main menu and select Toolbars:



When you exit Temprecord, the position and state (docked or undocked) of each toolbar is saved.  When you start Temprecord next, the toolbars are restored to their saved positions.


The toolbars can be "locked", that is, prevented from being moved, docked, or undocked.  If the Lock Toolbars checkbox on the general options tab is checked, the current state and positions of all the toolbars cannot be changed, and when Temprecord starts again they will be restored and remain locked.


Menu Toolbar  


The Menu toolbar contains five menu entries which when clicked on open submenus. See File Menu, Program Menu, View Menu, and Options Menu for more information.


File Toolbar


Opens a file.  The same function is available with the File/Open menu entry.

Saves the data in the current Temprecord data window to a disk file.  The same function is available with the File/Save menu entry

Saves the data in the current Temprecord data window as a PDF report file.  You can specify the form that the PDF report takes with the PDF options.  The same function is available with the File/Save to PDF menu entry.

Opens a file from Temprecord Web storage

Saves the data in the current Temprecord data window to a file to Temprecord Web storage.  

Saves the data in the current Temprecord data window as a PDF report file to Temprecord Web storage.  You can specify the form that the PDF report takes with the PDF options.

Emails the data in the current Temprecord data window as an attached .TRX file.  If the data in the window is from a file, or it was from a logger and was subsequently saved to a file, the  attachment is given that name.  If the data in the window has been read from logger but not yet saved to a file, the name of the attachment is created from the default TRX filename.  The details of the email, such as the recipients and accompanying message body are determined be the email options.

Prints the data in the current Temprecord data window.  You can specify the form that the printed report takes with the printing options.  The same function is available with the File/Print menu entry.


Program Toolbar


Query Logger.  When clicked, this causes the logger to read the status information from the logger, and also to optionally (depending on the Read T/H when querying logger setting in the General Options) perform an "on-demand" temperature and/or humidity conversion.  The resulting status information van be seem summarized in the summary view.  The same function is available with the File/Query Logger menu entry, or by pressing the space-bar.

Sometimes a logger is unable to respond to a request to read-on-demand the temperature and/or humidity, because of the need to occasionally carry out internal processing.  If this occurs, repeating the request will usually work.

Allows you to program the parameters of a logger.  You must have a logger inserted in the reader interface and the logger must be in the 'ready' state.  The same function is available with the Program/Parameters menu entry

Starts a logger.  You must have a logger inserted in the reader interface and the logger must be in the 'ready' state.  Once a logger has been started, you cannot alter the parameters.  The same function is available with the Program/Start menu entry.

Stops a logger.  You must have a logger inserted in the reader interface and the logger must be in the 'logging' state.  The same function is available with the Program/Stop menu entry.

Reads the data from a logger.  You must have a logger inserted in the reader interface and the logger must be in the 'logging' or 'finished' states.  The same function is available with the File/Read Logger menu entry

Reuses a logger.  You must have a logger inserted in the reader interface, the logger must be in the 'finished' state, and it must be a multi-trip or scientific type.  The same function is available with the Program/Reuse menu entry.

Starts Temprecord Auto Mode.



Graph Toolbar


Selects graph view. This button is only functional if there is logger or file data loaded.

Moves the cursor to the first sample in the record.  This button is only functional if there is logger or file data loaded and graph view or values view mode is selected.  The same function is available with the View/Goto/First Sample menu entry, or by pressing the 'Home' key.

Moves the cursor to the last sample in the record.  This button is only functional if there is logger or file data loaded and graph view or values view mode is selected.  The same function is available with the View/Goto/Last Sample menu entry, or by pressing the 'End' key.

Moves the graph sample cursor to the minimum values sample.  This button is only functional if there is logger or file data loaded and graph view mode is selected.  The same function is available with the View/Goto/Minimum menu entry, or by pressing the F5 key.  Note that only the samples between the start and end samples are considered when Temprecord searches for the minimum value.

Moves the graph sample cursor to the maximum values sample.  This button is only functional if there is logger or file data loaded and graph view mode is selected.  The same function is available with the View/Goto/Maximum menu entry, or by pressing the F6 key.  Note that only the samples between the start and end samples are considered when Temprecord searches for the maximum value

Zooms in (i.e. expands) the trace horizontally.  This button is only functional if there is logger or file data loaded and graph view mode is selected.  The same function is available with the View/Zoom/X+ menu entry, or by pressing the '+' key with the shift key held down.

Zooms out (i.e. compresses) the trace horizontally.  This button is only functional if there is logger or file data loaded and graph view mode is selected.  The same function is available with the View/Zoom/X- menu entry, or by pressing the '-' key with the shift key held down.

Zooms in (i.e. expands) the trace vertically.  This button is only functional if there is logger or file data loaded and graph view mode is selected.  The same function is available with the View/Zoom/Y+ menu entry, or by pressing the '+' (plus) key.

Zooms out (i.e. compresses) the trace vertically.  This button is only functional if there is logger or file data loaded and graph view mode is selected.  The same function is available with the View/Zoom/Y- menu entry, or by pressing the '-' (minus) key.

Zooms to show the whole data set. This button is only functional if there is logger or file data loaded and graph view mode is selected.  The same function is available with the View/Zoom/All menu entry, or by pressing the F4 key.  

Zooms to the preset values for the time and temperature axes specified in the graph view options page.  See the topic Using the Zoom Presets for more information

Displays the comments list, from where individual comments can be edited.

Creates a new empty comment and allows you to specify the position on the graph, and the test of the comment title and body.


Go to Sample Toolbar


This toolbar is used when positioning the graph view or values view at a particular sample.  If the toolbar is docked or visible, just click in the entry field and type a sample number, followed either by  the Enter key, or by clicking the button just to the right of the field.  If the toolbar is not visible, using the View/Goto/Sample menu function, or the shortcut key ^G will cause the toolbar to be made visible.


Copy Toolbar



Selects all the samples.  This is equivalent to clicking on the first sample, pressing F7 to set the start sample to the first sample, then clicking on the last  sample, pressing F8 to set the end sample to the last sample.  Any Copy operation will then copy all of the samples to the clipboard.  The select all samples operation can also be carried out by pressing Ctrl-A while in the graph view, or selecting Select All from the right-click menu in graph view.  This button is only functional if there is logger or file data loaded and graph view mode is selected

Sets the start sample to the graph sample cursor, i.e. the position on the graph of the cursor. This is equivalent to pressing F7. This button is only functional if there is logger or file data loaded and graph view mode is selected.  

Sets the end sample to the graph sample cursor, i.e. the position on the graph of the cursor. This is equivalent to pressing F8. This button is only functional if there is logger or file data loaded and graph view mode is selected.

Copies the samples between (and including) the start and end samples to the clipboard.  From the clipboard the samples can then be pasted into a spreadsheet such as Microsoft Excel or a word processing document.  See copying samples to the clipboard for more information.  This button is only functional if there is logger or file data loaded and graph view mode is selected

Copies the samples between (and including) the start and end samples to an Excel spreadsheet file.  By default, an XLS file with the same filename as the .TRX file is created. See copying samples to Excel for more information.  This button is only functional if there is logger or file data loaded and graph view mode is selected


A pop-up menu is also accessible from each toolbar my right-clicking on any of the buttons.  See Toolbar Options for more details.

All of the functions accessible from these speed buttons are also available as menu entries, and some are also available through the keyboard function keys.


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8/05/2014 11:11:18 AM
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