Temprecord reports that my logger is "locked" and I can't save the parameters.

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Common Problems > Temprecord reports that my logger is "locked" and I can't save the parameters.

Some customers require loggers to be "locked" at the time of manufacture.  Locked loggers can be started, stopped, and reused in the same way as normal loggers, but it isn't possible to alter the logging parameters.


You will be able to inspect the logging parameters if the logger is in the ready state, but you won't be able to save them again.


A locked logger will show a padlock overlay on the picture of the logger shown on the summary tab.


A logger being "locked" has nothing to do with the logger being protected with a passphrase - they are completely separate.  A logger can be locked and not require a passphrase to access it, and vice-versa.



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12/06/2018 12:01:26 PM
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