This file does not pass integrity checking

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Error and Warning Messages > This file does not pass integrity checking

The file loaded by Temprecord has a digest included as part of the file contents.  This digest is generated at the time the file is saved from by the contents of the file and is unique to those contents.  The digest calculation Temprecord uses (SHA-256) is very secure.  A different file will have different data and therefore a different digest.  The chances of two different files having the same digest is around 1 in 115,792,089,237,316,195,423,570,985,008,687,907,853,269,984,665,640,564,039,457,584,007,913,129,639,936.  I.e. not very often.


When Temprecord loads a file it recalculates this digest and checks that it gets the same result.  If a different result is returned by this calculation it means that something or somebody has altered the digest and/or the contents of the file.


Temprecord also provides the ability for you to supply a "key" that is used when generating the digest.  This key is like a password.  If the digest has been generated using a key, then the same key is also required at the receiving end to verify that the file hasn't been tampered with.


See also:

Common questions about digests.

Error and Warning Messages


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26/03/2019 4:32:42 PM
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