This file may be damaged

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Error and Warning Messages > This file may be damaged

The file appears to have been damaged, either through data corruption or intentional tampering.  


This file loaded by Temprecord was created with an earlier version or the program.  These files use a method called Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC32) to determine if the data is undamaged or hasn't been tampered with.  When the file was saved a CRC was calculated from the file's contents, and this CRC is then included as part of the file contents.  


When Temprecord loads a file it recalculates this CRC and checks that it gets the same result.  If a different result is returned by this calculation it means that something or somebody has altered the CRC and/or the contents of the file.


Datafiles created with the current version of the Temprecord program use a much more secure method of checking for file integrity.


See also:

Common questions about digests.

Error and Warning Messages


(C) 1992-2019 Temprecord International Ltd
26/03/2019 4:47:42 PM
Temprecord Web Help