Toolbar Options

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Introduction > Toolbar Options

You can right-click on any button on a toolbar and display a pop-up menu with options for that toolbar.




When checked, the toolbar will "float" above the main form and can be positioned anywhere on the desktop.  You can "dock" the toolbar again by dragging it to any or the four edges of the main form, or by unchecking this item.



You can hide a toolbar that is floating or docked by unchecking this option. When this item is checked, the toolbar will not be visible (and neither will the pop-up menu!).  



If this item is checked, the toolbar is "locked".  A locked toolbar that is floating cannot be repositioned or hidden.  A locked toolbar that is docked cannot be moved outside of its current dock or hidden, but it can be repositioned within that docking edge.



If this item is checked, the buttons displayed on the toolbars are a small size (25 pixels square).



If this item is checked, the buttons displayed on the toolbars are an intermediate size (50 pixels square) that can be more useful in situations where there is minimal room to use a mouse and positioning the mouse cursor over smaller buttons is difficult.



If this item is checked, the buttons displayed on the toolbars are a large size (100 pixels square) that is appropriate for touch-screens.


Each toolbar has its own set of these options.  You can have some toolbars locked but not others, or some toolbars with large buttons, and some with small buttons, etc.


If the General Option Lock all Toolbars is checked, you can't do anything from this pop-up menu.

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8/08/2013 9:15:42 AM
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