Zoom and presets options

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Options Menu > Graph View Options > Zoom and presets options

Preset Zoom X Axis

These fields set the date and time span that the X axis will be set to when the Zoom Window to Presets function is used.  The 'From' date and time fields determine the date at the left-hand side of the graph, and the 'Until' fields determine the date and time at the right-hand side.


The preset zoom X values are not used unless the 'Enable' box is checked.  If you want to zoom two or more traces to the same Y (temperature) span, but do not want to alter the X axis (time) settings, make sure this box is unchecked before you use the Zoom Window to Presets function.



Preset Zoom Y Axis

These fields set the temperature span that the Y axis will be set to when the Zoom Window to Presets function is used.  The 'Upper Temperature' field determines the temperature at the top of the graph, and the 'Lower Temperature' field determines the temperature at the bottom.


The preset zoom Y values are not used unless the 'Enable' box is checked.  If you want to zoom two or more traces to the same X (time and date) span, but do not want to alter the Y axis (temperature) settings, make sure this box is unchecked before you use the Zoom Window to Presets function.



If you want the graph to be printed to the same settings as the displayed window, make sure the 'Print Visible Window' printing option is selected


See the topic Using the Zoom Presets for more information.


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22/06/2011 3:47:44 AM
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