Email Options

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Options Menu > Email Options

The Email options are provided so that you can customize the email message that accompanies files when you send them by email.



Enter the email addresses of the recipients, separated by commas.



Enter your name and email address, in the format Your Name <your email address>.  


Note that when sending mail  by the SMTP method, some mail servers require a valid "From:" address to be supplied before they will accept the message.


Whatever you enter in this field is used to supply the data for the %Name% and %Email% meta-strings.  So if you have the From: field set as:


Joe Bloggs <>


then you could have in the Message: field:


My name is %Name% and my email address is %Email%


and it would appear in the body of the email as:


My name is Joe Bloggs and my email address is




Enter the subject line of the email.  This is optional.  You can use special formatting keywords in the subject.  These are replaced at the time the email is queued for sending by text according to the rules specified below in the section "Formatting".



Enter the body of the email message.  This is optional.  You can use special formatting keywords in the body of the email message.  These are replaced at the time the email is queued for sending by text according to the rules specified below in the section "Formatting".


Email Method

Mail can be sent by two methods.  SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) requires no additional software to be installed on your computer, but preview of the email before sending is not possible.  MAPI (Messaging Application Programming Interface) requires that the MAPI interface be installed on your computer.  If you have an a mail client such as Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express this will generally be the case.  When Temprecord sends an email, the MAPI interface starts up your email client and uses that to send the email.  In most cases, this will not in fact send the email, but place a copy of it in your Outbox. With MAPI therefore, you have the opportunity to review, edit, or delete the emails before they are sent.


Temprecord can send files via MAPI as long as your computer has the MAPI interface installed.  No other configuration should be required.  If you need to send email via SMTP, the SMTP Email Options will need to be configured.


Display message in email client before sending

(MAPI only) Check this option if you want to display the email in your email client before sending it.  You then have the option of editing the text of the email, attaching further files manually, adding or removing recipients, etc.


If the above option is not checked (i.e. don't preview the message), some later versions of email client software will detect that another program (i.e. Temprecord) is trying to use it to send email.  This behaviour is how some email viruses propagate themselves and the email client is preventing it.  You might find that you need to click on OK or Yes in a dialog before the email will send.


Meta-strings in Email Messages

Temprecord looks for certain character combinations (called "meta-strings") in your email subject line and message text and replaces them with text if they are found.  There are meta-strings which are common throughout Temprecord software, and there are some which are particular to emails.  The meta-strings that are common are:







TRW software version

"Sent with v%Version%"

Sent with


TRW software build

"Sent with build %Build%"

Sent with build


logged in Windows user

"Sent by user %User%"

Sent by user


computer name

"Sent from PC %Computer%"

Sent from PC Fred's


computer workgroup

"This file is from the %Workgroup% group"

This file is from the Administration


organization name


My Company Ltd.


Inserts the date in the users short date format

"Reception %Date%"

Reception 23-8-2012


Inserts the current time in the user's long time format

"Sent at %time%"

Saved at


Inserts the date and time in the users short date and long time format

"Sent %DateTime%"

Saved 23-8-2012

%%<env var>%%

environment variable




Additional meta-strings which are valid inside an email subject line or body are shown below:







list of recipients



sender's name and email address


Joe Bloggs <>


sender's name

Regards, %Name%

Regards, Joe Bloggs


sender's email address


names of any attached files, separated by commas

%Files% attached

Report1.pdf, Report2.pdf attached


It is also possible to specify meta-strings that reference items from the logger data set.  These meta-strings are shown below, along with examples of the output that would result if the meta-string was used in an email message template subject line or body.







number of samples

Logger  %SN% "(%Samples% samples)"

Logger S1234567 (1778 samples)


number of markers

Logger  %SN% "(%Markers% samples)"

Logger S1234567 (17 markers)


sample period

Samples were %SamplePeriod% apart

Samples were 0:02:30 apart


start delay

Logger start delay was %StartDelay%

Logger start delay was 0:01:00


start sample (F7 key)

Statistics are for samples %StartSample% to %EndSample%

Statistics are for samples 100 to 199


end sample (F8 key)

Statistics are for samples %StartSample% to %EndSample%

Statistics are for samples 100 to 199


date of start sample

Statistics are for samples between %StartDate% and %EndDate%

Statistics are for samples between  12-11-2013 10:00:14 and 13-11-2013 02:10:44


date of end sample

Statistics are for samples between %StartDate% and %EndDate%

Statistics are for samples between  12-11-2013 10:00:14 and 13-11-2013 02:10:44


date of first sample

Logger first sample taken was at %FirstDate%

Logger first sample taken was at 12-11-2013 08:00:14


date of last sample

Logger last sample taken was at %LastDate%

Logger last sample taken was at 13-11-2013 02:10:44


Lines 1..5 of user data.

%User1%, %User2%

Contents: Frozen Lamb, Origin: Auckland Coolstore


All lines of user data (only valid inside the body of an email - %UserData% is not recognized inside the subject line of an email)

User Data:


User Data:

Contents: Frozen Lamb

Origin: Auckland Coolstore

Destination: Christchurch

Container: SKK2311


name of any programmed Named Parameter Set

Parameters: %NPS%

Parameters: Conditioned blood products


logger serial number

Logger %SN%

Logger s1234567


programmed owner name

Return logger to %Owner%

Return logger to Waikato


version number of logger firmware.



mean value of temperature samples between start and end samples

Mean temperature between %StartDate% and %EndDate% was %TMean%

Mean temperature between 12-11-2013 10:00:14 and 13-11-2013 02:10:44 was -18.311


maximum temperature between start and end

Maximum temperature between %StartDate% and %EndDate% was %TMax%

Maximum temperature between 12-11-2013 10:00:14 and 13-11-2013 02:10:44 was -17.580


minimum temperature between start and end

Minimum temperature between %StartDate% and %EndDate% was %TMin%

Minimum temperature between 12-11-2013 10:00:14 and 13-11-2013 02:10:44 was -18.950


sample number of maximum temperature

Maximum temperature (%TMax%) occurred sample %TMaxSample% at %TMaxDate%

Maximum temperature (-17.580) occurred sample 3312 at 12-11-2013 23:38:14


sample number of minimum temperature

Minimum temperature (%TMin%) occurred sample %TMinSample% at %TMinDate%

Minimum temperature (-18.950) occurred sample 3465 at 13-11-2013 02:57


date-time of maximum temperature

Maximum temperature (%TMax%) occurred sample %TMaxSample% at %TMaxDate%

Maximum temperature (-17.580) occurred sample 3312 at 12-11-2013 23:38:14


date-time of minimum temperature

Minimum temperature (%TMin%) occurred sample %TMinSample% at %TMinDate%

Minimum temperature (-18.950) occurred sample 3465 at 13-11-2013 02:57


mean kinetic  temperature between start and end samples

Mean kinetic temperature between samples %StartSample%-%EndSample% was %MKT%

Mean kinetic temperature between samples 100-199 was -18.905


mean value of humidity samples between start and end samples

Mean humidity between %StartDate% and %EndDate% was %TMean% %RH

Mean humidity between 12-11-2013 10:00:14 and 13-11-2013 02:10:44 was 64.2 %RH


maximum humidity between start and end

Maximum humidity between %StartDate% and %EndDate% was %HMax% %RH

Maximum humidity between 12-11-2013 10:00:14 and 13-11-2013 02:10:44 was 70.0 %RH


minimum humidity between start and end

Minimum humidity between %StartDate% and %EndDate% was %HMin% %RH

Minimum humidity between 12-11-2013 10:00:14 and 13-11-2013 02:10:44 was 58.5 %RH


sample number of maximum humidity

Maximum humidity (%HMax% %RH) occurred sample %HMaxSample% at %HMaxDate%

Maximum humidity (70.0 %RH) occurred sample 3312 at 12-11-2013 23:38:14


sample number of minimum humidity

Minimum humidity (%HMin% %RH) occurred sample %HMinSample% at %HMinDate%

Minimum humidity (58.5 %RH) occurred sample 3465 at 13-11-2013 02:57


date-time of maximum humidity

Maximum humidity (%HMax% %RH) occurred sample %HMaxSample% at %HMaxDate%

Maximum humidity (70.0 %RH) occurred sample 3312 at 12-11-2013 23:38:14


date-time of minimum humidity

Minimum humidity (%HMin% %RH) occurred sample %HMinSample% at %TMinDate%

Minimum humidity (58.5 %RH) occurred sample 3465 at 13-11-2013 02:57



See also:


Meta-strings in file and folder names

Meta-strings in printed reports headers and footers

Meta-strings in user data

Meta-strings in parameter sets

SMTP Email Options

Options Menu

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17/07/2014 6:10:50 PM
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