How To Use Help

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Introduction > How To Use Help

There are several ways to find information about a particular help topic.  


If you are new to Temprecord and want to find out how to use the product, try Getting Started with Temprecord.

To search for help on a particular topic, click on the button marked 'Search' near the top of this Help window.

To find out more about an item on a Temprecord menu, open the menu, move the mouse over the menu entry, and press F1.

To find out more information about an error message that is displaying, press F1 while the error message window is displayed, or click on the button marked 'Help'.  You can also refer to the Help topic Error and Warning Messages.

For a brief summary of the steps involved in the more common Temprecord operations, such as programming a logger, starting a logger, reading a logger's data, etc., see the topic How Do I....

If you are having a particular problem, try looking at the Help topic Common Problems.


When viewing Temprecord help, these symbols are used as an aid to your quickly finding the information you require:


indicates a note of caution - where care needs to be taken with a Temprecord function.


is used to bring your attention to text that describes a quicker way of performing some function - for example a short-cut or hint.


Folder and File Names

When folder and filenames are discussed in this help text, examples are shown in this font, for example C:\Program Files\Temprecord\TRW\.  The example folder and  filenames assume a default installation on a computer running the Windows XP operating system.  If you are running another operating system such as Windows 7 or Vista, these pathnames will be different.


(C) 1992-2019 Temprecord International Ltd
20/04/2014 5:54:06 PM
Temprecord Web Help