Named Parameter Sets technical information

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Temprecord Named Parameter Sets are XML files and as such can be edited with traditional text editing tools, though this shouldn't be necessary.  The functions of the various nodes within the XML tree should be obvious from the name.  The files have the extension .NPS and it is necessary that this is preserved for correct operation.



Parameter set files are always stored in the folder C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Temprecord\NPS\.  While it is possible to store them elsewhere, Temprecord is "hard-wired" to always look in this folder when it is attempting to match a parameter set name in the user data to the corresponding NPS file.


User Data

When a named parameter set is loaded, the name of the NPS (called the NPS identifier, or NPS ID) is stored in the last (5th) line of the user data with a '#' character in column 1 as a prefix.  The name stored is the filename part (no path, no extension, no period) of the NPS file.  If the filename contains spaces, it will be surrounded by quotation marks.


Temprecord Scientific Logger
#"Chilled Carcasses"


If there is no correctly formatted NPS name in the start of the 5th line of user data, no NPS processing will be performed, and no error issued.


Correct operation of named parameter sets depends on Temprecord being able to find a correctly formatted NPS identifier in the user data.  The NPS ID  can in fact be at the start of any line in the user data, but Temprecord will always move it to be at the start of the 5th line should it be found.


As a general rule, you shouldn't mess with the NPS ID.

See also

Loading a parameter set

Creating a new parameter set

Editing a parameter set

Renaming a parameter set

Deleting a parameter set

Parameter sets and the default options

Parameter sets and Auto Mode operation

Meta-strings in user data

Meta-strings in parameter sets






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9/06/2019 11:08:50 PM
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