Parameter sets and the default options

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Program Menu > Named Parameter Sets > Parameter sets and the default options

The default options are used whenever a logger is reused in Auto Mode and the Load Default Parameters checkbox is enabled, and when the Load Defaults and Save Defaults buttons are clicked in the Program/Parameters dialog.


With named parameter sets the default parameters work in exactly the same way as before, except that you can load any of the available NPS files as your default parameters.


Once you have done this (loaded a NPS file into the defaults), the NPS file and the defaults are no longer connected.  If for example you load fred.nps into the defaults, any changes you make to to fred.nps from that point on will not be reflected in the defaults, and changes to the defaults will not be reflected in the file fred.nps

Temprecord saves the default parameters to a file called defaults.nps.  This is just like any other NPS file, but bear in mind that Temprecord always saves the contents of the default parameter options to this file when it exits, and loads them again on startup.


See also

Default options

Auto Mode


Loading a parameter set

Creating a new parameter set

Editing a parameter set

Renaming a parameter set

Deleting a parameter set

Parameter sets and Auto Mode operation

Meta-strings in user data

Meta-strings in parameter sets

Named Parameter Sets technical information

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18/01/2017 11:12:34 AM
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