Setup command line parameters

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Installation of Temprecord > Notes for System Administrators > Setup command line parameters

The topic deals with the command-line parameters of the Temprecord setup program, not those of the Temprecord program itself.  For information on the Temprecord program command line parameters see the topic Command line parameters .


The normal setup procedure for a manual interactive installation is to execute the setup file with no parameters, i.e. just run:




The setup executable accepts some command line parameters to modify the behaviour and allow unattended installation.





Disables the This will install... Do you wish to continue? prompt at the beginning of Setup.


Instructs Setup to be "silent". The wizard and the background window are not displayed but the installation progress window is. Everything else is normal so for example error messages during installation are displayed and the startup prompt is (if you haven't disabled it with the '/SP-' command line option explained above).


Instructs Setup to be "very silent".  The wizard and the background window are not displayed, nor is the installation progress window.  Everything else is normal so for example error messages during installation are displayed and the startup prompt is (if you haven't disabled it with DisableStartupPrompt or the '/SP-' command line option explained above).


Instructs Setup to suppress message boxes. Only has an effect when combined with '/SILENT' and '/VERYSILENT'.


The default response in situations where there is normally a choice for the user during installation is:


Yes in a 'Keep newer file?' situation.

No in a 'File exists, confirm overwrite.' situation.

Abort in Abort/Retry situations.

Cancel in Retry/Cancel situations.

Yes (=continue) in a DiskSpaceWarning/DirExists/DirDoesntExist/NoUninstallWarning/ExitSetupMessage/ConfirmUninstall situation.


Some message boxes will always display.  These include:


The About Setup message box.

The Exit Setup? message box.

Any error message box displayed before Setup (or Uninstall) could read the command line parameters.



Overrides the default directory name displayed on the Select Destination Location wizard page. A fully qualified pathname must be specified.

/GROUP=<group name>

Overrides the default folder name displayed on the Select Start Menu Folder wizard page.

/MERGETASKS=<list of tasks>

Specifies a list of tasks that should be added to the default tasks the installer will be carrying out.  When installing Temprecord via a command line or batch file you would normally specify:





Instructs Setup to install for the current user only.  When this option is specified the wizard page asking the user to choose the setup type will not be displayed.


Instructs Setup to install for all users of the computer.  Each user of the computer will have separate program settings.  When this option is specified the wizard page asking the user to choose the setup type will not be displayed.


Instructs Setup to install for all users of the computer.  Each user of the computer will have the same program settings.  If one user makes changes to the settings, the next user to start Temprecord will inherit those settings.  When this option is specified the wizard page asking the user to choose the setup type will not be displayed.


Instructs Setup to install for all users of the computer, where those users access the TRW program file from remote machines across a network.  Each network user of the computer will have the same program settings.  If one user makes changes to the settings, the next user to start Temprecord will inherit those settings.  When this option is specified the wizard page asking the user to choose the setup type will not be displayed.


This option would be used when installing Temprecord on the server.  No installation is required (or should be carried out) on the remote network workstations.


If this option is specified, any existing INI file found in a different folder to the new installation INI folder will be copied across.  This only applies to the folders normally used by previous installations of Temprecord.  If this option is specified, Setup will not display the page allowing the user to choose to import the settings      from an existing INI file:


The page is also not displayed if there is no existing INI file found in any of the usual places, or the existing INI file is in the same folder as the new installation would install an INI file into.


Note that this option is only provided for situations where a previous installation of TRW had settings stored in an INI file in a different folder.  If an existing INI file is found in the destination folder of the new install, this option has no effect, as the existing INI file is already "imported".


If is option is specified, any existing INI file in a folder other than the destination INI install folder is ignored. Any existing INI file in the destination INI install folder is left alone and will be used by the new installation.


If this option is specified, Setup will not display the page allowing the user to choose to import the settings from an existing INI file:






Starts a normal interactive install.


trw-setup.exe /JUSTME


Starts a normal interactive install, but assumes an install for the current user only.  The page giving the user the chance to choose the installation type will not display.




Starts a normal interactive install, but will ignore any existing INI file found.  The page giving the user the chance to import an existing INI file's settings will not display.


trw-setup.exe /NOIMPORTSETTINGS /JUSTME /SILENT /SP- /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES  /DIR="Temprecord" /GROUP="Temprecord" /MERGETASKS="desktopicon,quicklaunchicon"


Starts a unattended install with the options shown (installs for the current user only, will not import any existing settings).  No user prompt pages will display.



trw-setup.exe /SILENT /SP- /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES  /DIR="Temprecord" /GROUP="Temprecord" /MERGETASKS="desktopicon,quicklaunchicon"


Starts a unattended install with the options shown.  Note that even though there are no options specified for the installation type or importing of settings, these pages will not display as "silent" installation has been specified, and default settings (/ALLUSERS, /IMPORTSETTINGS) will be assumed.  No other user prompt pages will display.


See Also

Notes for system administrators

Batch Installation

Installation of Temprecord

Installing Temprecord on Networks

Installing Temprecord Reader USB Drivers

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22/06/2011 10:43:20 AM
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