Vertical Zoom

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View Menu > Graph View > Zoom Functions > Vertical Zoom

In graph view mode, you can alter the vertical zoom factor with the plus and minus keys.


You can also access the vertical zoom functions from the view menu (View/Zoom/Y+ and View/Zoom/Y-), or from the pop-up menu that displays when you click on the right-mouse button.


You can also zoom in vertically (expand the temperature axis on your displayed graph)  by clicking on this speed button on the toolbar displayed along the top of the Temprecord main window.



You can also zoom out vertically (compress the temperature axis on your displayed graph) by clicking on this speed button on the toolbar displayed along



If you have data displayed in several windows from different loggers, the Zoom Window to Presetsfunction is a useful way of displaying and printing the graphs for comparison purposes.  See the topic Using the Zoom Presets for more information.

the top of the Temprecord main window.



On computers with reduced keyboards (such as notebook computers), use the equals (=) key instead of the plus (+) key.



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17/04/2014 10:00:40 AM
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