Zooming with the mousewheel

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View Menu > Graph View > Zoom Functions > Zooming with the mousewheel

If your mouse has a "wheel" you can use this to quickly zoom about an arbitrary position on the graph.  Normally the mousewheel is used to scroll the graph vertically.  To use it to zoom the graph view, hold the Ctrl key down.  

When you press the Ctrl key,  the mouse cursor will change to


If the mouse wheel is moved away from you, the graph is "zoomed in" about the position of the mouse cursor.  

If the mouse wheel is moved towards you, the graph is "zoomed out" about the position of the mouse cursor.


Each click of the mousewheel results in a change of approximately 25% in the zoom factor.  The zoom factor cannot be increased or decreased past certain limits.  When these limits are reached, turning the mousewheel has no effect.


See also

Zooming with the mouse

How zooming works

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29/07/2013 5:07:20 PM
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