How zooming works

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View Menu > Graph View > Zoom Functions > How zooming works

Temprecord provides a rich array of zooming functions to help you "drill down" into your data quickly and accurately.


When a file or logger data is first read, the horizontal axis is scaled so that the entire sample record occupies the width of the data window.  Similarly, the vertical axis is scaled so that the height of the data window corresponds to the span from the minimum temperature to the maximum temperature.


Horizontal zoom and vertical zoom with the view toolbar zoom speed buttons always work relative to the sample cursor position.  After a zoom operation, Temprecord always attempts to position the view window so that the graph sample cursor is in approximately the same location in the window after the window has been zoomed.  Horizontal and vertical zoom can be changed independently.


Zooming is also possible with the mouse, by clicking and dragging to select an area of the graph, and with the mouse wheel (if your mouse is fitted with one).


If you have data displayed in several windows from different loggers, the Zoom Window to Presetsfunction is a useful way of displaying and printing the graphs for comparison purposes.  See the topic Using the Zoom Presets for more information.



See also

The Sample Cursor and Mouse Cursor

Zooming with the mouse

Zooming with the mousewheel

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22/06/2011 10:08:44 AM
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