Statistics View Options

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Options Menu > Statistics View Options

Use the 'Statistics' tab of the options form to change the way the statistics view is displayed.


Show General Statistics

If this option is checked, the general statistics (minimum, maximum, mean and standard deviation of  samples, time spent inside and outside limits) are shown in the display and the printed reports.


If the start sample is not set to the first sample in the logger or the end sample is not set to the last sample, the statistics will also be shown for the samples between the start and end samples.


If the first visible sample displayed on the screen in graph view is not the same as the first sample in the logger or the start sample, or the last visible sample displayed on the screen is not the same as the last sample in the logger or end sample, the statistics will also be shown for the samples displayed on screen.


PHI (Process Hygiene Index) Growth statistics

Shows the bacterial growth  information in the displayed and printed statistics


Product Integrity Profile

Product Integrity Profile is a means of determining how effective refrigeration of a shipment has been.  When enabled, the graph is annotated with the times taken to reach key points such as the minimum temperature, and transitions of the upper and lower limits.  The duration taken is also displayed.  The statistics view also shows a report from this data.


Product Cooling Alerts

When the product cooling alert function is enabled, the graph shows a flag when the temperature has risen a certain amount above the minimum.  The maximum temperature rise allowed before the alert is displayed can be specified.


This function is often used to determine whether blood products have been maintained adequately in a controlled environment


Show MKT Statistics

Check this box if you want the Mean Kinetic Temperature (MKT) statistics to be displayed and printed as well as the normal statistical data.


This option must be checked in order for MKT statistics to be graphed, printed, or exported.


MKT Options - Delta H value

Enter the value of Delta-H or activation energy for your product.  The nominal value used for this is 83.14472 kJ/mol , which is suitable for most materials.  The calculated value of MKT varies with the activation energy entered here, but the variation is not great and you should not need to alter this parameter.   If you require very accurate MKT calculations, the value of Delta-H  should be determined for your  monitored commodity.  The activation energy for a particular commodity can be determined by a procedure known as differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analysis.



Use the 'Font' button to change the font Temprecord uses for the text in the statistics view.  You can only choose from the fixed spacing fonts installed on your computer.  Proportional fonts are not available for the statistics display.


Annotation Color

Use the 'Annotation Color' button to change the color used when displaying the annotation text - i.e. the text on the left of the window that is the same each time.


Data Color

Use the 'Data Color' button to change the color used when displaying the statistics data text - i.e. the text on the right of the window that changes for each file or logger that is read.


As an example, if you select blue as the annotation color and red as the data color, your statistics text would look like this:


 Mean                : 20.71

 Standard Deviation  : 0.86

 Maximum             : 24.53

 Minimum             : 19.43


Be careful when changing these colors.  If you select a color that is the same as the background of the window, any text displayed in that color will be invisible!


See also:

TTV statistics options

Refrigeration index statistics options

Rate of cooling statistics options

Summary view options

Values view options

Graph view options

Printing Options

Export Options

Total Temperature Value (TTV)

Process Hygiene Index

Mean Kinetic Temperature

Refrigeration Index


(C) 1992-2019 Temprecord International Ltd
1/04/2014 9:20:26 AM
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