The Sample Cursor and Mouse Cursor

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View Menu > Graph View > Zoom Functions > The Sample Cursor and Mouse Cursor

Temprecord uses the concept of two cursors when dealing with the graph view:


The sample cursor is a vertical red line the indicates a given sample.  The sample cursor always remains "attached" to a sample when the graph view is scrolled, unless an attempt is made to scroll it past  the edge of the screen, in which case it is constrained to the edge.


The sample cursor is used whenever the Set as start sample and Set as end sample functions are used.

When the Goto sample function is used, the sample cursor is always moved to the new sample position.

When the horizontal and vertical zoom functions are used, the zoom operation always takes placed centered on the graph position indicated by the intersection of the sample cursor and the graph trace.


The mouse cursor always indicates the current position on the screen of the mouse, and when the mouse is positioned over the graph, the cursor changes to a cross-hair.


The mouse cursor is used to mark out a rectangular area when zooming with the mouse is carried out.

Whenever the left mouse button is clicked, the sample cursor is changed to the position of the mouse cursor.

When the mousewheel is used to zoom, the zoom is always carried out centered on the mouse cursor.



See also:

Zooming with the mouse

Zooming with the mousewheel


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17/06/2011 11:44:36 PM
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