Starting a Logger

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Program Menu > Starting a Logger

Use the Program/Start Logger function to start the Temprecord logger.  Before starting, you should configure the logger if you wish to set the user data, alter the sample period or start delay, or change any of the other parameters


The Temprecord logger status must be READY in order for it to be started.  Once started, the start delay begins timing.  After this start delay period has elapsed, the Temprecord unit will begin to log temperature.  The Temprecord logger will flash when started, and again when the start delay has expired and logging begins.  If you have recently read a Temprecord logger and not yet saved the contents to a disk file, you will be prompted to save the data first.


Inland and Export loggers can only be started by snapping off the tabs.


Starting a logger does not necessarily mean it will begin taking temperature readings.  Logging of temperatures will not start until the start delay has counted down.  While the start delay is counting down, the green LED will flash briefly very ten seconds.  After the start delay has expired the green and red LEDs flash to indicate the state of the limits.  


On the LCD logger this behaviour is configurable - i.e. when you program a logger you can determine whether the LED's indicate the state of the limits.


When you use the Program/Start Logger function, you will be asked to confirm that you want to do this.  If you prefer not to be asked this question, you can uncheck the option 'Prompt before starting' in the General Options form.


You can also set up a logger so that it can be started by the button on the logger, or by a programmed start time and date


You can start the logger currently in the reader interface by clicking on this speed button on the toolbar displayed along the top of the Temprecord main window.


See also:

Stopping a logger

Reusing a logger

Sample period

Start delay

Start time and date

Limit Delay

Lower and Upper limits

Loop Overwrite

Start and stop with button

Allow markers

Auto Mode Operation


Saving a file


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2/03/2016 10:13:16 AM
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